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日本森林保健学会 理事長 上原 巌

Prof. Dr. Iwao UEHARA
Tokyo University of Agriculture

In these days, many people have been anxiety for our health and future by the long business depression.
In Japan, more than 30 thousand people kill themselves in a year, and we often hear “He or she is sick”.

One of the famous Japanese psychiatrists Dr. Mieko KAMIYA (1914-1979) wrote, “a person in the deep troubles could ease himself (herself) by natural healing power, not books or other’s words” in her representative book “The worth living for”.

The forest is our familiar nature and about 70% of Japanese land area is forest.
We Japanese are the people who have forest culture inspiring our living, clothes, food, and so forth.

However, our forests have been also sick like human beings, because of un-tending and abandoned treatments.

So, our society of forest amenity and human health promotion in Japan promotes heath of forests and human beings and studies the effects of forest amenities for medical, social welfare, education, nurse utilize, and so forth.

You are very welcome for our society.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Iwao UEHARA
Tokyo University of Agriculture


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